
How to have a girl after 4 boys?

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can any body help i have 4 lovley boys but wish to have a girl..i have had alook on iternet but there is that much i have seen i dont know what is right and what is wrong...people keep telling me just to go for it but i dont wanna have a boy again as much as i love my sons if any one could help i would be greatful




  1. While there is nothing the usual way to make sure you get a girl besides aborting every time you get a boy, ( =[ I'm not suggesting that) you can go to your OB-GYN and look into in-vitro fertilization. That means you are artificially inseminated, either with your significant other's or a donor's. They can now do profiles where they mostly give you sperm that will provide an X s*x chromosome, (it's not guaranteed all sperm will though) and you will get a girl.

    However, these things can get real expensive, and it doesn't usually work the first time. Good luck, though!

  2. I had three boys then a girl. I got a different bloke, but I dont think that is a proven way of it working. lol. Really there is no way unless you delve into the wierd world of genetic manipulation which somehow doesnt sound like it would be romantic.

  3. It is not a sure thing but there are some things that can be done like vinegar(acid, or base  Duse, but chances of selections are only at 75 %, but ask this of your gynacologist, selection clinics are spouting up all over the world, the most advance countries in the matters are, China and India and many other countries are nt way behind.

    There are other methods also, may be more result oriented but may be not conducive to personal and religious believes.

    Invitro fertilisation, after s*x selection (determination) embrio is implanted, about 100% correct result if implant holds.

    The unused embrio can be stored for further/future use or donnated.

  4. try's fun but hey... why not -for me worked 100%

  5. hi i have 4 boys too, i have recently found out im expecting again, as nice as it would be to have a daughter i have just let nature take its course, i have heard that there are all sorts of diets and certain ways of having s*x to improve your chances of having a girl, i recently miscarried too  so i will be happy with another boy if thats what i get, check things out on google, a mum at my sons school had 3 boys and followed a certain diet while ttc and so did her sister ant they both had girls, maybe it worked who knows, i asked a question a few weeks ago if some women could only carry a certain s*x, i got a few interesting anwsers too, i dont know if you will ba able to find it to read all the answers, well good luck! x

  6. Most people say That women that are Very Healthy during and befor Pregnancy Tend to have a girl and that happened to my mom when she had 2 girls me and my lil sister and i guess she let loose of being healthy and had a boy...Everyone on my mom's side is healthy and there are mostly girls

    -Hope I Helped

  7. men who have high stress hormones have a higher girl ratio something to do with the stress hormone preventing male sperm production. Although this does not guarantee a girl it raises the chances. so stress your man out, however this might getting the s*x more difficult.

  8. I'm sorry to say i have to agree with the guys above me its all in the genes you'll always have a 50-50% chance to get a boy or girl ,so yeah adopting is the only choice sadly im sorry i couldnt help much but we can always hope for the best!

    hope this answers your question ? (p.s. its 50% for both genders because the male kinda decides if it is a boy or a girl why? because the males/us we have both the X and Y chromosomes to make a girl or a boy and a female cant do that since they dont possess sperm to do so)

  9. i feel ya. new reserch shows some woman have antibodies which fight a specific sperm germ. it could be possible. honestly there is no tried and true method. but if you have the money and you truely desire a girl then for about 2500.00 you can have your husbands sperm "washed" and centerfuged which will sepertate the larger y sperm from the smaller x sperm. this method has abotu a 97% sucess rate.

  10. Unfortunately all the tricks you read are a myth, scientists haven't developed a way to choose the s*x of babies yet so until they do i'm afraid we have to fly blind. But what i do know is its the male who determines them s*x of the baby, so if you have already had four boys, chances are you will have another. Me and my partner have a son and he also has a son from a previous relationship.

  11. Manly men seem to have boys more than softer males, (within the numbers I know!) so maybe your guy is too butch.

  12. You adopt, that's what you do.

    There is NOTHING you can do to make you have a girl.

  13. meh..

    its a 50/50 chance youll get a girl..

  14. adopt..otherwise you might end up with 15 boys and still no girl. IT  is the only 100% sure way of having a girl

  15. really there is no answer because it is a luck of the draw.

    i would say dont risk it then

    No one can tell you how - we cannot affect these things

  16. It's all up to your partner, sorry, he shoots the cromozones X's and Y's ,

  17. Well do not have any more children then. If you are not going to be happy if you have another boy then you should quit while you are ahead.

    As long as a child is healthy that is all that should matters

    You could adopt if you are that desperate for a girl.

    The reason that I sound harsh is that I knew a lady who had 5 boys, got pregnant for a sixth, was desperate for a girl and when she ended up having a boy she rejected him.

    Her and her husband split a couple of years later and she took custody of her first 5 sons but left the 6th with her ex. She could not bond with him as he was not what she had wanted.

    That child has to grow up knowing his mum rejected him because he was not a girl. How messed up i that

  18. there are two ways both very very very very expensive.

    one is the take his ejaculate and (not sure how) eliminate as much male sperma as they can creating an x sperm rich enviroment, and while you ovulate they artificially insiminate you with this and this greatly increases the chances of a girl but becase they can not remove all y sperm there is still a chance you could get a boy (though chances of a girl are much much better.

    the second way is to have egg retrival done and he provides the drs with the sperm and they either only take the x sperm, and creat embryos or take several sperms and create as many embryos as you have good viable eggs, then after a day or two they remove one cell and test for gender, they then inplant only female embryos. (and store the rest)

    again these are both extremly expensive and i doubt gender selction is covered by insurance.

    or you could ahve fun and go for all those wives tales about how to make a girl (like s*x a day or two before you ovulate)

    woman on top (lol that one is just ridiculous) uhh doy mommy brain can't think of any more at the moment.

    EDIT: oh and of course adoption is a wounderful option! a baby in need of a loving home getting one, that is still a miricle!

  19. He's right. I have done tons of research on pregnancy- I even wrote a 15 page paper on it once... There is not a thing you can do to choose the s*x of your baby unless you want to consider adoption or invetro fertialzation- sorry!

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