
How to have a good relationship with my dad... he's older?

by  |  earlier

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As a kid, I was daddy's little girl, my dad and I would do things together...he would spoil me. When I was 14 I moved away to go to school and established my own life. Now that I'm 27 I'm back home and live with my parents, my dad's 75 and we never have anything to talk about at dinner or after... I feel so bad that we've grown so distant, and know he too wishes things were different. I feel like I'm losing precious time since I know I only have a few years left with him. Tho he's in great health mentally and physically I can't help but to see time running out. Any advice??




  1. Now is a good time to reminisce. Bring out the photo album and say how much you miss the good times as well as talks. Show him pictures of your time away and fill in the blanks. See where it goes from there. Just an idea.

  2. Im an older Father...get in the car and go for drives...anywhere...his favorite places...your favorite places....and just start a conversation about anything...what you had for lunch....where you went shopping etc...thats what works for me

  3. you can always re-connect.

    go out and do things together.

    then you'll find new things to share.

    you may not have the exact same relationship..

    but you'll have new things to build on.

    find something you have in common and open the window for your relationship to grow.

    just get out there and bond.

    it's perfectly within reach for you and your dad to gain a strong and special relationship.

    hope i helped.

    good luck!


    <3 feriell

  4. You both have to take it easy, since you used to have a good relation, I am sure it will come back if you give it time, maybe you should start talking about the things you guys used to do together, remember when sort of things, and maybe from there everything will simply flow. I hope things work for you.

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