
How to have a good varied diet?

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whilst being a vegetarian for health purposes




  1. Always have a great breakfast, try different ones such as muesli, fruit with yogurt and seeds etc.

    Don't always get the same fruits and vegetables and the other same food as you always get, try different ones, try to get at least 1 different fruits and vegetables a week.

    Have a good meal for dinner, don't just have something like beans on toast every night, be creative! ... buy a vegetarian cook book, i recommend 'M&S vegetarian bible'.

    Eat well, be happy. Find time to eat your lunch / dinner, when at work dont eat at the desk, go to the park and enjoy it there.

    Get exercise, all people should get atleast 30 minutes of exercise a day, so get active :).

    Get all the right nutrients, and be happy.

    Here are some sites you might find quite helpful:

    Hope this helps.

  2. my answer to this question is you should eat food which is less oily and which has less fat.if you want to eat varieties.try to make food with less oil.

  3. Whilst i couldn't give you some solid advice about the subject i would recomment fruit and vegetables with everymeal.I dont know if being a vegetarian includes not eating fish,but fish is one of the most healthy foods on the plannet.The japanese eat lots of it and live longer than most countrys.

    Fruit+Vegetables+Fish+Dairy = Heathy varied diet.

    You could also have a healthy breakfast like porridge with fruit mixed into it.There is allot of healthy tasty opitions if you put your mind to it without having to eat meat.

  4. I have made it simple for my family: all vegan. I have four main entrees that I do:



    *Whole grains


    I have 4 main protein sources to choose from:

    *Nuts (cashews, peanuts, almonds, and pine nuts

    *Seiten (wheat meat that I make myself from boiling wheat gluten in a savory vegetable broth with nutritional yeast)


    *Fieldroast products that are wheatmeat sausages and deli slices

    (No processed soy products! After years of tofu, our whole family is slightly allergic to soy. (GMO soy perhaps did it?))

    *Beans (black, pinto, kidney, red, and chickpea/ceci)

    And then the vegetables have to be very colorful for the meal (at least two of three colors with green always being one of them - even if it has to be parsley or cilantro thrown on top for a garnish):

    *Green: baby spinach, kale (red and green and blue!), swiss chard (colored ones are the prettiest), romaine lettuce

    *Red: peppers, tomatoes, chili flakes

    *Orange: carrots

    *Yellow: peppers

    *White: onions, garlic

    Fruit is just for everyday fun. I have bowls of apples and bananas on the table, pears are nice to have on hand also. I also like to make frozen smoothies with just frozen fruit and organic apple juice all whipped up in a blender.

  5. When we cut out flesh foods from our diet we often are confused as to what makes sense in providing a balanced diet, so thank you for asking. I suspect this will help a lot of other people too.

    The rule of thumb is to eat widely of the foods remaining; which  by the way is most of them! Eat whole foods rather than refined ones. Vary the grains you are using. Explore the ones you are not familiar with. . . Quinoa (the only one containing all of the essential amino acids!) Millet, Sorghum, Kamut, Spelt etc. Don't only rely on Wheat, Rice, Corn and Barley only. They are great but they are only a small portion of the range available. Most Supermarkets don't even carry them however,so you will have to go to health food stores to find them.  

    Eat beans and legumes, (the range is awesome) nuts and seeds. Vary the ones you choose and remember 5 a day of fruit and veggies for a healthy diet. Explore the culinary delights of Tofu and Tempeh and the many convenience items or faux meat that are on the market now, products like Lightlife Gimme Lean Breakfast Sausage, Yves hotdogs, Tofurkey Italian Sausage and Bratwurst, Boca Burgers and so on. Soy Milk, Rice Milk, Almond Milk and Hemp Milk (no you cannot get 'high' on it. It's a different species altogether) are all suitable. And by the way -- Hemp milk is very high in Protein and the Omegas 3, 6, 9 for heart and prostate health. To vary the foods you eat is important whether you are veggie or not. Be aware also, that if you are not doing dairy products then you really need to be sure to get B12 into your diet. Tempeh and Nutritional Yeast are excellent sources of it. For incredibly delicious recipes and ideas check out  

    Good Luck and don't forget to have fun with it!

  6. fruit and vegatables u can get your protein intake from protein shakes or beans pasta and rice for your carbs and make some gravy

  7. I think that cutting out all junk food and eating fruit and veg, whole grains, seeds and nuts would cover it. If you are vegetarian obviously some eggs and dairy is OK, but not loads - saturated fats and cholesterol

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