
How to have better study habits?

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I'm a 2nd year college student taking up commerce, Lessons are not that hard but my greatest opponent is laziness. Can you give me some studying tips?




  1. A good study routine then reward yourself with somthing you enjoy after study....

  2. I use RecallPlus study software and it's great.  I put all my uni notes into the program - using mindmapping.  It takes a bit of getting used to but it's worth it.  Then I use RecallPlus to test myself.  I mark myself and then RecallPlus remembers what I don't know well enough and tests me on that sooner.  I've got the expert version or whatever they call it, it gives me an idea of how I'm going with what I need to know. Have a look at the website - search recallplus.  Download the free version to give it a go but I'd recommend buying one of the others so you can test yourself.  good luck!  Also check out the stuff on the website about how to study better.

  3. I know what you mean.  When you're in college you cant wait till semester ends but when it ends you are bored at home and look for classes next semester.  Well good way to study is to not wait for the day before the exam.  Study a little everyday.  I know you probably heard that a million times but it really does help if you do you homework not few hours before its due but start when its given and do few problems per day.  Next day review the previous problems and do few more.  Same next day.  By the time the test comes you'll already have reviewed everything and got it stuck in your head so the night before don't try to re learn every thing but just do touch ups on stuff you don't already know.  Stop being lazy do your homework first than do what ever you want like hang out with friends or sit in your room alone with a play station.  Good luck and hope this helps.   Also since you in college try visiting this site its free and they can proof read your paper.  I did mine and and got an A on History report.  Good luck again.

  4. I am a 3rd year college student. I would start off by going to class every meeting. Don't ever miss a class if you have trouble understanding the subject, or else you will fall behind. I know some people who don't go to class and just use the book, but it might not work for you. While sitting in class take very good notes, I don't mean highlighting. But actually write down everything the teacher is saying, and the most important parts of the professor's lecture. Don't worry about making them perfectly neat during class or else you will waste time making your notes look pretty. When you get home recopy those notes to reinforce what you learned. Take advantage of the professor's office hours. The night before you go, write up questions of what you don't understand. Go online to google concepts the book does not explain well. Always get ahead in the reading at least by a chapter before each class so you don't feel intimidated by what the professor is telling you. Don't be afraid to ask questions in class. Make sure you are eating healthy so that it doesn't interfere wih you feeling too tired or too wea to study. Get proper rest as well. When you study, don't study for 4 hours at a time. Always get your mind off the subject for at 5 minutes every half hour of reading. DON'T take long breaks. Always review what you have learned. Make up your own rules, don't follow anybody else's habits because they might not work for you. I know because I always used to try to study like my brother and I ended up doing worse in school! Best of luck to you and your academic career.

  5. Read for short periods, with small breaks. E.g. an hour or so, then ten mins braek, then an hour again...

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