
How to have dreams or better dreams or remember your dreams?

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I usually wake up with no recollection of my dreams, Is there any way I can help my chances to wake up from a lucid dream and maybe even have better longer dreams?




  1. Actually you have dreams everynight and there are around 2 minutes in length its just that while your sleeping you mind only has enough "space" to hold it all some nights you have more than others which is why you remeber your dreams only 32.67% of the time

  2. I think in part we can control our own dreams.. if we realize we are dreaming in our subconciouns mind, we can remind ourselves that we are in a dream and therefore mostly control what we do with it. Every night before you go to bed.. in your prayers say that you want to remember your dreams and like everything practice makes perfect.. do it every single night before bed.

  3. I remember every single one of my dreams every single night of my life lol. And thats true. In order to remember your dreams, you cannot ignore them. Every morning, try to remember it. Remember the locations, people in your dream, what exactly occured in it. And it it to yourself (mentally) in the present tense, like , "I am at the beach, I see XYZ, people are playing" or whatever.

    I've heard that when you wake up "in the middle of a dream", it is possible to make it continue after falling back asleep. Apparently you have to think deeply about the very last thing that was seen and heard in your dream. I've never tried, so I dont know if it's true.

  4. Okay, for those who answered dreams are only a few seconds or two minutes, you obviously can't remember squat. Dreams CAN last a few seconds, true, but they can last up to a full dream cycle, although the average length of a dream is half an hour, last I heard.

    If you want to remember your dreams more, the method is simple- obsess. I used to have around 50% recall (at least a fragment 50% of the time) but since January, I've pushed it up to 95% last month. So if you constantly think about dreams before going to sleep, tell yourself to remember, and jot down any intuition or fragment of your dream- no matter how slight- in a dream journal upon waking. If you don't have that sort of time in the morning, at the very least compose your entry in your mind while getting ready for the day so that you can remember it at night.

    Hope I helped, and good luck!


  6. I don't know how to prolong dreams other than getting a better night's sleep, but I can offer a few tips on dream recall.  When you first wake from a dream, don't move.  Lay there quietly and the dream might come back to you.  I have also heard that keeping a glass of water next to the bed and drinking it upon waking helps, not sure why.

    You can also try writing on a slip of paper "I will remember my dreams upon waking" and put it under your pillow before going to sleep.  Sounds silly, but just the knowledge that the paper is there might prompt you to remember your dreams.


  7. dreams only last a few seconds and you have to wake upv during them to remember them. there is no way to make them longer.

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