
How to have fun on a trip?

by Guest56797  |  earlier

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My dad is getting married on the 8th of August in Kauai. I am going with along with my sister and 2 soon to be step-brothers. I really am not looking forward to this. I don't know the kids well at all in fact I only met one of them and I only met Cindy the woman's hes marrying once. How do I enjoy myself?




  1. Well get to know them, you might like then a lot more then you expect.  Plus you will be in Kauai so enjoy yourself!

  2. Spend time with your new step-brothers. Are they close to your age? Maybe you guys can go do some stuff together like go to a water park or something. How would you normally have fun on a vacation? Do those things...

  3. It's funny you use the word "enjoy".  Here's a way to think about it that may help:

    The prefix "en" generally means "to put into"

    So En-Joy could mean "to put Joy into" whatever it is that you're doing.  You'd bring joy with you, not somehow derive it from whatever happens to be going on around you.

    Try giving your new family a chance.  These are people that your dad is choosing to include in his life.  Instead of starting out with the "step-mom" and "step-brothers" midset (which is all loaded with icky preconceptions) maybe think about it as you're going to meet some people, spend time together in Hawaii (Oooo!  Can I go?!), and see if you like them.  If it goes badly, there are lots of things to see and do that could easily kill a couple weeks.

  4. you will be in one of the most beautiful places in the world, do not worry you will have a great time at the beach, and you will have your sister to hang out with. Plus this is a great time to get to know you step brothers. Have fun and enjoy paradise!  

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