
How to have peace in submission??

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Hey all im very depressed right now. I have a very loving godly husband who is VERY active in our city imparting wisdom to some of the young men of various churches. I am struggling to submit to his will for us to stay at least another year and then move to another city. I HATE cities (i was raised in a town of 200 people) and i HATE moving. I am feeling frustrated with him because i do not have a christian support system here of other godly women. He says that i would have joy and peace if i aligned myself with his mission for our family, but i am so very unhappy and not even sure i would know HOW to submit to a vision i dont necissarily agree with. What should i do




  1. Your husband is right, I am a christian woman and I have heard this many times in the preachings at church that us women are called to submit to our husbands. If you feel that something is not right that he is doing then you must pray about it. But a woman of God must always follow her husband bc the husband is called by God to be the leader of the household. I remember when  my husband switched churches and I did not like it at all I was not very  happy, but later on I ended up being happy at that church and the change was made for the better. As a matter of fact our pastor was just preaching about this yesterday how women need to let their husbands do what they need to do for God. Our pastor is married to a wonderful understanding woman doesn't weigh her husband down by getting in the way of God's will for his life. For example he has many mission trips to go on and things to take care of and there are times when she is left at home alone to take care of the household, children, cooking, cleaning, etc, and at the end of the day she doesn't go whining or complaining about how here husband is never at home and how they rarely spend time together bc she understands that God comes first. And your husband is right you would have joy and peace if you aligned yourself with the mission for your family. Right now you do not seem to be thinking of what God has planned for your life but what YOU want, and that is being selfish, I am not trying to be rude I am just speaking the truth. You may hate the city but if that is where God wants you to be just do it because God has a plan for your life and he does not intend on you being miserable. You will be happy if you just listen to your husband and follow him instead of being a weight on him as though he has to babysit you the whole time (that is the way my pastor described this behavior). I am not perfect myself and I am learning as a christian woman that I must submit to my husband as well, but sometimes our pride can get in the way and if we are complaining all of the times that is just not of God we should be happy and submissive not whinning wives that make it hard for our husbands to do what they have to do for the Lord. We all have a purpose that God wants to fullfill in us. Try starting to figure out your will by being understanding towards your husband, adn by letting him do what he has to do for God so that God may bless your family. Do not hinder your blessings by letting the devil get into your mind by making you think negatively. I hope this helps! P.S. and do not leave your husband over something like this, it would be ridiculous, become a strong-minded woman. Anymore questions then pls email me :]

  2. Leave him ...If you get mentally hospitalized your no help to anyone .........LEAVE ....take a break and think about your sanity ..pray that GOD will show you the way

  3. You are very selfish and are sinning. Stop being selfish and give it to God. Read your role on Ephesians 5. Know your role and stop trying to wear the pants. It shows you lack faith and fear of God.  

  4. How very convenient for him, to know that hurting you is God's will!  NO.  You're being abused mentally.

  5. I think you have to make a decision.  Do you want this life w/your husband?  If you do, you have to commit to it 100% & accept it 100%.  If you choose to stay w/him & support his chosen life, why don't you find yourself a hobby or something of personal interest that only you can enjoy alone, away from him?  You need some "me time".  I hate moving myself.  I know.  And I do agree w/the other beautiful response of being selfish because I can be very selfish at times & it just hurts others.  Tough call because you want to be happy too.  I hope you can find your solution in prayer and be happy in the end.  Good luck

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