
How to have s*x with a 23 year old Korean virgin?

by  |  earlier

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If the guy is also a virgin and is about 9 in. long?




  1. No kimchi for you. Too boku.

  2. Wonder only has experience having s*x with 21 year old German virgins, otherwise I would so freaking like to help you out.

    I also only have experience with 8.7 inch guys, so again, I can't help you out there either.


    *feels badly*

    *hugs you*

    Good luck, my friend.

  3. Just do it.  

  4. She needs to be super wet, so go down on her for a little while. Also, she needs to get your p***s wet too, so she needs to get you all slobery and slick! I promise this will help! Make sure she knows how big your p***s is so she doesn't get scared! Glad I could help!

  5. 9in, good luck my brother, she might run awy

  6. If you do, you will have to go very slowly. Asian girls are very tight anyway because their so petite. And if she is a virgin she will be extra tight. I hate to tell you this but your p***s is probrably too big to be having s*x with any virgin. If you are able to get it in, and I don't think you will, it will be alot more painful than pleasure. For her I mean.  

  7. just do it man get some exp. thats all you can do

  8. My advice is slow and steady, that is your best bet! Take it slow and steady!

  9. I can look like a Korean virgin at the snap of a whip for 9 inches

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