Hired via Internet by 2 Employers (as a CNA, Caregiver).
Dallas, TX.,
Pensacola, FL.
They never paid.
Fair Labor Standards Act, Sec. of Labor, Workforce, Labor Dept., Wage & Hour. Div., DA Prosecutor, Sheriff,
State Attorney General, Law Enforcement, FBI.
EVERYONE informed, over, and over, everywhere.
Willful Violators, felony 3rd degree. $10,000.fine, and jail.
There are laws. But, no one does their job.
NEVER prosecuted them at all.
So, the question is: WHERE do you report this, to have them arrested, criminally prosecuted, and, hopefully, get paid?
I have now squandered about $1,800.00 reporting this.
The Statute of Limitation for Willful Violator is 3 years.
DEFRAUDING Employees of wages... And, no one cares.
There is a reason why pAgencies hire from Out of State...
To sue them, we have to fly to their Court. It is insane.
It could be done through our local Court, or Labor Depts., / State Attorney General. Laws are illogical, & futile.
WHO would arrest?