
How to help 16mth old use spoon and fork?

by  |  earlier

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He keeps sticking the spoon in the food, but not sure about how to scoop foods, and when I help with that, he tips the spoon upside down when it gets to his all the food is gone, and all over his belly. He prefers to rely on his hands, and doesn't like using dishes...sometimes he'll only eat food if you dump it from plate or bowl onto the tray of his high chair.

Is this normal for a child his age?

what can I do, other than use persistence and patience, helping him practice?

He is very observant and he does put lots of effort into it, he's even successfully fed himself with the spoon a few times (with thicker substances, like yogurt and cheerios). and we applaud and he's all proud of himself..but its alot of work and he doesn't always get it. how long should this take?




  1. He's not old enough yet. What's your hurry? My son is 22 months and he still turns the spoon upside down. You need to feed him for a while..stop being lazy

  2. just keep offering it to him he will learn when he is ready try one of those bibs that catch the food and just put it back in the bowl when he spills it let him play with it ,feel it rather that than a little one that wont try or is too fussy its good for them to play with food and experience the textures what better way than with his fingers he is only young enjoy this phase he will soon be using a knife and fork get some good messy baby photos too  

  3. sit behind him for the next few times, and coax him on it.. eventually he wont need your help that much and he will do it on his own.

  4. Personally, I think he is too young to have mastered this skill! Always make sure a utensil is available, but don't look for any improvement until closer to 18 months or even 2 years old probably. Make sure he watches you eat at every meal time using your fork or spoon, and if you see him using his fingers to scoop applesauce or pasta or something, encourage him to "use your spoon, like this!"

    Good Luck

  5. Help him use the fork or spoon. Put it in his hand the right way and hold his hand with your hand and guide him to pick the food up and put it in his mouth. After a couple times helping him he will get the hang of it. That is what I did with my daughter, she is 17 months.

  6. Keep using the utensils with him. Persistance and patience! Dont revert back and let him use his hands.. that could turn into a nightmare when hes a bit older.

  7. yo, calm down.

    Let him grow a little bit first.

  8. This is a skill he will be working on for a long time!!!!!  My 4 1/2 year old son is still constantly needing reminded to use his spoon / fork and is still working on using it well.  He is very smart and observant (can read well), but just doesn't use silverware.  My 2 1/2 year old girl is about at the same level.  Girls get the skill before boys in general, but your son is still young!  In preschool day care classrooms (3-5 years old), Though they are encouraged to use silverware, many of the kids still use their hands.  They figure it out eventually!  Good Luck!

  9. What i'd do is letting him sit in the high chair and give him the food and sit beside him and eat using the spoon and the fork " no conversations no one else no distractions" just you and him in quite environment " in a few times he will learn . at this age the kid almost refuses any thing that you teach him he'd rather watch things and learn by himself .  

  10. He's normal.  Give him time to figure it out.  Children learn by example, so make sure he sees you modeling the behavior.  Don't push him and he will learn when he is ready.

    By the way, enjoy it!  You'll love looking back at the pictures of him learning!

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