
How to help a 2 year old with chronic constipation? (warning: TMI)?

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My daughter has always suffered from constipation (all 28 months of her life). It is a family issue that both myself and my mother suffer with. My daughter has very hard stools and often cries out in pain when she's going. Today there was even some blood.

I have talked to the doctor, but they always say the same thing... lots of water and high fibre foods. Or they will suggest a quick fix treatment. Even with increased water and high fibre foods, it doesn't seem to have any effect (on either of us).

I have tried tricking her by putting pureed prunes into her drink and food, but she can taste it.

Does anyone have any other tricks for me to introduce more foods that are beneficial to soften stools?




  1. There are other foods that are high in fiber besides the dreaded prune.

    Pears and apples are high in fiber. Also whole wheat pasta is good.

    I personally don't care for whole wheat pasta, but the ronzoni smart taste pasta is white pasta that is high in fiber.

    I would also try to cut out dairy as milk products tend to make you more constipated.  

  2. My nephew also had chronic constipation and nothing helped.    He ate lots of fresh fruits, drank lots of water, ate fiber, blah, blah, blah.

    Finally, my dear sweet grandmother told my sister that if she'd give him either a teaspoon of molasses every morning or put dark Karo syrup in his oatmeal at breakfast that it would work.    My sister was very skeptical, but tried it.

    It worked!!!      She did this every day til he was about 14 or so.      

    I'd recommend that you try something like this if she is still having problems.   My nephew is 16 and has horrible hemorrhoids as a result of his early years of pushing to go poo.

    good luck!

  3. No tricks, but I'd get another opinion. She should see a GI specialist before anything like this is written off as normal.

    Since you have a hard time getting the softening foods in her, try eliminating the constipating foods, like cheese.

    Has she been checked for food allergies?

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