
How to help bad claustrophobia?

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I have terrible claustrophobia I cant be near enclosed spaces at all. and i always have a bad time falling asleep sometimes cus i keep feeling like the room is enclosing in on me and i have to run out into the living room where its big. and take deep breaths. and my room isnt even small. and sometimes i fear of having dreams where im claustrophobic.

and i even accidentally hurt someone because i went in Macdonald's play place with my friend being silly and im too big and i got way claustrophobic and climbed over and pushed little kids out the way because i was losing it i had to get out. what can i do not to have it so bad?




  1. You should see a Therapist to find the root cause as to why you have claustrophobia.

  2. Your claustrophobia is causing you anxiety and panic attacks.  I would contact a psychiatrist and be put on some meds to relax you.

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