
How to help bird poisoned by pesticides?

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Vets don't treat them here and there is no avian vet nearby. Not like they would take a sparrow anyways. It's eating but it can't shaking. The field I found it in was recently sprayed by pesticides.




  1. find another vet! go out of town with it or something! you dont want a dead bird.

  2. pellet gun

  3. unfortunately once a bird gets sick it doesnt take long to die, as being in the wild they have to hide their illness as long as possible. Just keep him warm, a bulb or heat mat works, as they lose temperature very quickly. Try the rspca they may help. Make sure he has fluids this is more important than food. Sorry cant be of more help. If it is pesticides you should report the farmer, especially if you find any more birds.

  4. Any vet would be able to treat the bird with high dose of vitamin K which are clotting agents, so call the nearest vet and get it to them ASAP..  or it will bleed internally

  5. Unfortunately these are one of those all to common things that happen with the spraying of pesticides. Wash the bird off well to get any chemicals left on the bird (Skin can absorb some of the chemicals). All you can really do is give it as much water as possible and hope to flush any chemicals left, out. Unfortunately what pesticides do to birds is damage the central nervous system which causes in there deaths. Shaking is a sign of severe nerve damage, and it sounds like you might be too late. Sorry and best of luck.

  6. So sorry to hear that :(

    I think its complicated and depends on the pesticide:

    If you could get it to a vet and take a soil sample from the field...that would be the best thing. But if there is no vet, I really don't know what to suggest. Is the bird taking water? Try some milk as in humans it is used for some immediate poison-remediation.

    I hope it makes it, poor thing.

    God bless.

  7. awwww I love sparrows =D, but take it to another vet or try calling those people that help the wildlife. I thin you should use  Yellow Page for this situation.

  8. I would say find a wildlife center on mapquest or on google or yahoo or something like that.  Because the bird is wild that is the best thing to do for it!  Good luck.  Email me back with what you think...

  9. just do the best you can you and try calling an avian vet and see if they can give you any advice for caring for it they wont charge you for a phone call and may be able to give you good advice on how to treat your little friend at home

  10. i would recommend antioxidants like fruit juice and berries,also bathing water with a pinch of baking soda in it a bit warmer than lukewarm the baking soda will draw some out and then later give it a bath in a bit of vinegar and warm water as it too can remove some.-hope it's still alive

  11. i agree pellet gun to head put it out of its missery

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