My best friend is g*y (we've known each other since school and she came out just after college). She's recently come out of relationship with a girl wh was an absolute PSYCHO and made my friend's life h**l with her possessiveness, jealousy and emotional blackmail. It took my friend a lot of courage to leave this girl as she was genuinely in love with her, but we could all see what the crazy girl was doing to my friend's well being and sanity.
My hubby works/drinks with a girl whos a L*****n, she's lovely, very butch, funny, down to earth, a bit mad (lol). She met my friend at our house a few weeks ago and has since told my hubby that she thinks my friend is really hot and wants to meet her again.
We're having a BBQ this weekend and my hubby wants to invite his work friend and introduce her to my best friend. He thinks it will cheer her up to meet someone new and maybe start afresh. The only thing I'm worried about is that my friend is still very vulnerable since her break up with her ex (about a month ago) and I don't know if its a good idea for her to get involved with anyone else just yet, I'd hate to see her hurt again.
Do you think I should tell my friend that someone who is interested in her will be at the BBQ and see how she feels about it?