
How to help my infected tragus piercing?

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I just got my tragus pierced on my birthday, which was August 16th. so i've only had it a week and it is mildly infected. I woke up and noticed it hurt without me touching it and it is kinda swollen. There is no icky stuff coming out of it or anything, just swollen and kinda hurts. I think it got infected from sleeping on it which i try not to do but i can't help it when i'm asleep and roll over. Anyway, what should i do to heal it fast? i already use h2ocean spray that i bought at the piercing place.




  1. mines infected too :( try not to play with it...

  2. Sammy got her tragus pierced bout 8 weeks ago,

    since then it has bin swollen , gunging and bleeding as this is badly infected and the doctor told her to remove her piercing .. now tha she has removed it , it still bleeds

    but sam wants her piercing back ,... could she eva have it done agen .x

  3. try a weak chlorhex solution with water, worked for me!

  4. I'm having the same problem apart from the pussing mine is just very very swollen.

    I'd recommend you return to your piercist and just ask for some help :)

    In the mean time, use 1/4 tea spoon of sea salt to distilled warm water 2-3 times a day

    You can also take ibuprofen for the swelling and also apparently wrapping some ice up in a clean towel can help

    Whatever you do, DON'T take it out without consulting your piercist first as it can possibly lead to further problems. Even though it can be annoying, try not to mess with it too much as this can lead to more irritation,

    Good luck :)

  5. I had the same problem, i went back to the piercer and he said to clean it with a toothbrush. if you do it in the shower with non scented soap it should die down. Mine did (:

  6. Warm water is all you need. and a clean pillowcase.
    if you all are expieriencing the same thing with your piercing do you not think it is normal? I just got mine 2 wks ago. mine are the same, some redness around the piercing and one is still swollon. But think, these are puncture wounds and they don't just heal like that. i was told 4-6 weeks before they would feel a lot better. I'm not worried about mine. No touching really, clean them twice a day with just warm water, soak them wait about 5 mins and clean with a warm qtip. My piercer told me not to put ANYthing on my ears exept the water. also put a hematite bead on the ring, says it promotes healing and circulation.

  7. I Got My Tragus Done As Well & It Is Very Swollen. Puss Is Coming Out Of It Too But I Use Saline Solution Everyday To Clean It. I Doubt That I'm Sleeping On It, But I Guess Go Back To Your Piercer. If They Are Professionals They Will Know What To Do. That's What I'm Gonna Do If The Swelling Doesnt Go Down Soon. :(

  8. My piercer said to not clean it with alcohol or peroxide because not only does it kill the bad bacteria but also the bacteria that's trying to fight the infection. I think my tragus piercing is infected too because there's a little red bubble around it, but I bought saline solution (in the form of contact solution. I was also told that Biotene, Tech 2000 mouthwash can be used to clean it. Hope this helps.

  9. i have my tragus pierced and it does the same thing. I clean it with rubbing alcohol and the ear solution you can buy at claires. Its clearing away the bump for the most part.

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