
How to help others?

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I'm at a stage of my life that I need a complete new start. I'm happy to move almost anywhere in the world, to do charity work.

I worked in past for (helping all sort of people socially excluded) part time for 7 years. I'm currently working as support worker (working for mental health/learning difficulty).

However, I do NOT have very distinctive qualifications (doctor, builder...which are needed in poor countries).

As single again and NEED to move away, I though to give my time to the needing (not employer or family which have no respect for me).

Could you guide me to charity/group where I could give my time?





  1. you sound like a kind and thoughtful person. The one place ive been to where i felt i had the most help in my life was at a shelter for women and children that needed to escape home life for various reasons. The people there do a wonderful job and its all bout making people feel safe and getting there confidence back, you sound like you could be good at this sorta thing, dont know if its what you had in mind, thought it worth a message!  shame theres not more people in the world like you. hope you find something that makes you happy.take care and good luck,bex.x*x


    check this out.

  3. have you tried working with the elderly as a support worker.?most cities have community care agencys so you can travel to their homes if working in a care home puts you off. it gives you a real sense of belonging to the community and most people are really appreciative of your help. if you move to a new area it makes you get to know the area better and builds your confidence. im shy and have been doing the job for nearly 5 years ,i wouldnt give it up for the world.

  4. Hi there,

    you are such a grateful individual in here i hope all the human being same as you do in term of supporting others.

  5. You don't have an academic qualification, but you DO have experience that is valued by various organizations. Make sure your CV details this work -- not just when and where, but *how* you helped people who are socially-excluded, *how* you work with people with mental health issues and learning difficulties. It doesn't matter if it was as a volunteer or if you were paid -- what matters is the activities you undertook, training you had for such, etc.

    Have you thought about seeking employment, not just volunteering (unpaid work), with nonprofit organizations? Your experience would be HIGHLY valued.

    Good places to look for nonprofit jobs in the USA

    For volunteering (unpaid work) in the USA:




    Network for Good,


    Also, contact your local volunteer center; you can find this via the Points of Light Foundation web site,

    All list volunteering opportunities with thousands of organizations.

    There's also this government sponsored site, which provides volunteer positions through USA federal land agencies like Fish & Wildlife, Forest Service, National Parks, etc.

    If you want to be a volunteer to help with the consequences of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, you need to register and prepare NOW. Here's a web site where you can register and start your preparation so that you can help the next time disaster strikes:

    Finally, since you already have solid experience in working with socially-excluded populations, consider some other things you can do to position yourself for working abroad some day, like learning a second language well enough to work in it. Here's more tips on volunteering abroad

  6. Try the Red Cross, Homeless shelters etc. search the web, you'll find something worthwhile my friend.  Good on you and good luck  xx
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