
How to help?!?!!?

by Guest58399  |  earlier

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i have this insane passion to want to help people and save the environment and such, but i'm 16, and there just doesn't seem to be any good opportunities currently out there for me!! anyone have any suggestions other than the typical recycling or volunteer work?!?!




  1. You are doing your part -- now what about educating others on how they can do their part? Are you using all of your online profiles to link to organizations that are focused on environmental issues? Are you subscribe to the newsletters of organizations like the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, so you are up-to-date about environmental concerns? Do you blog about the simple things people can do to recycle and reuse, and how doing so saves not only the environment, but money? Have you joined a Greenpeace awareness campaign and gotten other friends involved? Have you thought about creating a club at school that promotes using alternatives to cars (mass transit, bikes, walking, car pooling, etc.) to get to and from school and to and from shopping? Have you attended any public meetings in your area by the mass transit board/department? Have you joined any bike advocacy groups, or thought about starting one in your area if there isn't one already? What about a campaign that tells people how to dispose of their electronics (broken or unwanted cell phones, iPods, computers, etc.) in an environmentally-friendly way?

  2. You don't want to volunteer - and you don't want to recycle.

    Okay, get a job as an intern at a local park; you can be a guide, or help to do natural landscaping, or help to identify trees / leaves / bark and the various things that go wrong with them.

    Or - promote composting!  It reduces the level of waste in our landfills while reducing the money we spend on fertilizer and other things flowing into our water supply.

    Or - help out at an animal shelter (if you want rewarding... that's rewarding) especially those that might specialize in migratory birds or birds of prey - those that are most affected by the environment and have the greatest impact on it.

  3. I am in the same boat as you! I am also 16. I started recycling all of our bottles, cans, plastic bags, etc  a few months ago, and it feels soo good to not throw them away. So definetly recyle. I also go and pick up trash around my local park and river area (yes, sounds lame and embarrassing, but its disgusting how much trash their is) And that definetly gives you that feeling that you have helped.
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