
How to help your new junior higher?

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My daughter is going into Junior High and is really nervous. How do I halp her?




  1. I'm really nervous too, I'm making myself sick from anxiety. I dont think you can help her

  2. Just tell her about your experiences, whether they were good or bad to help keep her mind off the nerves. Junior High really is not a reason to be nervous, I was too, but it's all in the mind. That first day will just be a little awkward if you don't have friends in your classes, but you could just give her advice that never fails like "Be Yourself" and "Pay attention in class, but remember to have fun". On making friends, just practice her communication skills with her. The nerves are just part of the deal, because once she gets there, she'll see that there are all these kids she knew from the year before. She could go with someone she knows so she won't arrive alone, that would be helpful. I don't know what else to say except good luck to both of you. Have a good junior high experience!

  3. Have a kick off to school party and let her invite both boys and girls.  Order pizza and let them watch movies and have fun.

    Get her some pretty pens, pencils, and notebooks along with nice folders and something nice for her locker.  Magnets and such.

    After the first week of school has been completed let her have another party of pizza, soda, and friends.

  4. Don't let her get left out. Style wise...Kids can be cruel...

  5. make sure that she has clothes that she is comfortable in.   most of feeling good is looking good

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