
How to hide my upload/download from my ISP?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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We have a USB720 (pc card) from Verizon. They are total pricks! I open the mail today...and what do i see? A 700 DOLLAR BILL!!! Some how we went over 5gigs of down/upload. I still dont know how, we never even come close! but oh well, they so "nicely" waved it...this time (after a 2 hour phone call or fight)

I want to block or "alter' my download and upload, at least what they see. Is there a way i can hide how much i upload and download? proxy servers? ip hidding? WHAT. ill do anything to do it, im decent with computers and networking. so please let me know...and if its needs to be hush hush you can email me at

thanks advance




  1. Those ba&*ards, how dare they provide you a service and ask you to pay for it!!  You can get back at them by continuing to do it without masking or hiding, and then refuse to pay.  That will show them.

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