
How to hit more consistent irons?

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I am a junior in high school and i can feel my game is on the brink of being really good but ill have a few bad shots or just maybe a double bogey when i should have had a par because i hit one bad shot and got pissed. Are there pointers on how to hit good irons consistently and to hit them relatively the same distance every time? Ive cured the slice so this shouldnt be too bad.




  1. http://golflessonsandebookreview.blogspo...


  2. when i have a problem hitting the ball consistently the first two things i look at are how much my body moves and whether or not i am pausing at the top.  this is just me personally of course.  the more movements you make on the way back the more things you have to correct on the way down.  too much movement will make your swing different everytime.  the pause at the top is important for the same reason.  you need it there in order to get your body set the same way every time for when you bring the club down.  i hope this helps and goodluck

  3. When the downswing starts with the hips it gives you way more consistant shots.

  4. practice

  5. The secret to consistency is tempo - making sure that whatever swing you use, whatever club you use, it is the same swing speed all the time.

  6. I'm a high school freshman, and along with everything everyone else said, I look at my posture when I'm hitting bad irons. I also make sure I'm staying on plane, my swing plane will get too flat if I don't pay attention to it. Oh, and I know about getting pissed! I've broken two shafts by getting mad before.

  7. something that I try to do with short to mid irons (wedges included) is to never feel like im swinging even close to 100% or even 90%.  At this point in the fairway you need accuracy not length.  Feel like you make a full swing still but in your mind try to use about 80% of your full capabilities.  The feeling should be like you still have some in reserve.  This will keep you on balance and create more solid consistant contact.  

    As far as the "getting pissed"...this was a big problem of mine when I was in my teens as well.  All it does is hurt you and ruin your next shot, hole, or even the rest of the round.  Ben Hogan said that very rarely would he hit more than 2 or 3 great shots in a round, that the rest of them were average.  And this was the greatest ball striker that ever lived.  Dont be so hard on yourself, golf is a results game not a beauty contest.  Good Luck.

  8. with your longer irons (3-4-5) try to keep it on a smooth easy plane. Keep your swing in the form of a "U". When you start to get into your shorter irons (8-9-PW-SW) make sure you are hitting down on the ball. Try to take the club inside and make a steep angle at the ball at impact. Try to keep your swing in the form of a "V" This will cause you to have backspin and cause your ball to go higher, and land softer with more spin.

    When you feel like your having a rough day with the irons, dont try to get too cute with them. Just take easy swings and play to the middle of the green. Take your 2 putt par and move along.

    hope that helps you out, good luck

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