
How to hold your breath underwater for longer..?

by  |  earlier

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I can hold my breath under water while genlty, slowly moving for about 25-30 seconds max in my pool. Will being able to hold my breath longer help with not breathing so heavy when dancing/running? (i do not have asthma! I just breathe loudly and annoyingly heavy for a few minutes after running/dancing)

what are some things i can do to help improve holding my breath for longer? I would like to float down there in the water for a while longer without a burning sensation in my chest.




  1. To stay longer under water, you need to increase your cardiovascular abilities.

    This is a two step process, you want to make your heart and your lungs stronger.

    1. to exercise your heart, it is very simple: any cardio activity such as aerobics, biking, jogging or sprinting will help you build up stamina

    2. exercise your lungs. The reason you cannot hold your breath under water as you can in normal situation is due to the pressure on your lungs by the water. You need to adjust your body to this and you do so by doing the following exercise before each swim:

    While making sure your chest is under water (up to your neck)take a normal breath then then go under water and breathe out. repeat this for 10-15 mins before you swim. You don't need to take deep breaths but you can once you get used to it, do not put too much pressure, it's just like any other workout do not try to lift 200 lbs at first.... Good luck

  2. take the swimming team from h**l..... the one i took. i dont breath hard after running in soccer now. :D

  3. I got the ability to hold my breath/stay underwater due to my running. Used to take a single tank and stay down 90 minutes at a time. Drove the life guards in Hawaii nuts.

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