
How to hookup in Hanoi?

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How does one meet a 30+ lady in Hanoi??




  1. PSSHHTT. hahaahah. No.

  2. What is this?  Are we your pimp? Go there and find your own hookers.

  3. go to

    if u speak vietnamese

  4. What are your intentions?

    If it is to meet and date a woman for friendship and a possible relationship, then spread the word around that you are available. If you are a foreigner, there will be no shortage of people who will introduce you to their daughters, sisters, cousins, etc.

    If you want a "fun time", there are places that cater to that sort of thing but I don't want Vn inundated with those kind of tourists. Go to Thailand, instead.

    One last thing, Vn is not America. s*x before marriage is practically unheard of here. "Hooking Up", if I take your meaning correctly, does not exist.

  5. what rick m said is right.

    however, he is a bit mistaken about women not having s*x before marriage. there are some ladies out there who do fornicate before marriage. whatever country you go to, there will be "those" ladies around.

    i'm not sure how things are in hanoi, but in saigon, there are just have to know where to go.

    and if you are a probably have more luck at finding willing 'ladies'. they like to hookup with foreigners in case theres a chance they'll get a huge reimbursement.

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