
How to hypnosis human?

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How to hypnosis human?




  1. It will refrain myself from giving advice on how to hypnotize a fellow human to an amateur.

    Such weapon is dangerous in the hands of a laymen.Besides.Even if you knew how to do it others would never likely let you do it.

  2. what planet are you from.

    you don't talk like an earthling. set your blaster to the lightest setting and one shot under the left ear at a 45 degree upwards angle. NO not hers ,yours!!!!!

  3. Say, "you are getting sleepy", and then get close to them and say, "c'mon man, I've got twenty dollars in my pocket and I'll give it to you, just go with the flow."

  4. It requires a monotone relaxing voice and low lighting, below eye level (on the person you are hypnotizing).

    You can use a pocket watch (this works because of the lighting and the reflective surface of the watch, which allows the subject to focus on it and its swaying motion.)

    Its a bit more involved than that, but if you do it, be warned there are forces at work than can do it to you as well, though through other means (see Nicola Tesla's experiments with sound manipulation and the Mountauk project).

    They are doing it to people across the planet and the majority can't even hear (or won't, as in refusing to) the warnings, much less the methods in which it is being done, until their brain hemorrhages for supposedly "no reason."
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