
How to i fix my computer???????????

by Guest34416  |  earlier

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i forgot my password on my vista home preium and IM STUCK






  1. YOu needs to be reinstalled Windows.

  2. Don't worry, here is a detailed instruction:

  3. Open the CPU cabinet and remove the Cell and Insert again

  4. There's actually a problem here. We don't really know whether it's your laptop, or whether you want to just get into a friend's computer and don't know the password.

    1) if you have another administrative account on that computer, log in to that one (or have the owner of that other account log in), and then go to control panel to remove the password for you so that you can change it.

    2) If you're the only one on there, I think you might be able to reset it, but I think it requires software. good luck.

    Edit: maybe this site may help

  5. Sorry there's no way around it you'll have to wipe it clean!

    to do this you'll need the recovery disk that came with your computer, not to reset it but to have the programs on there that you started with!

    Turn the computer off and back on wait until the windows start up screen comes on and as soon as it does hold in the F12 key until a different screen comes up and then pick what u want to do.

    It takes a little while when it is rebootin mind ok

    Hope I was some help.x


    This video will reveal the secret how to do it!

  7. you might have to wipe the computer. take it to a computer tech shop and ask them

  8. the only possible way is to reinstall it with a fresh copy really...oh and this time write ya password down on somewhere where ya could remember,theres nothin the computer tech people can do anyway

  9. Reinstall ur windows..i guess

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