
How to i get him to think im smart?

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k well first of all alot of boys think im a dum blond (im naturaly blond) but i rly dnt think i am at all and theirs this boy i like who hats dummys so i was bein my self and he called me the stupidis girl alive and it made me rly upset cuz i didnt think it was true and now ive been tryin to study more and use bigger words but its not workin how to i get him to think im smart?




  1. Stop worrying about trying to make someone think you are smart because people will believe what they want to believe no matter what you do.  Dumb blonde is a stereotype that only ignorant people believe.  If you are smart your intelligence will shine through as long as you behave confident and do not act like the stereotype you say the boys think you are. I would suggest you start hanging out with a better class of friends.

  2. just try to be yourself not someone your now. mean  you shouldn't care what he thinks about you. find someone that likes you for you.

  3. cheat on tests, dont get caught, that should do it

  4. If he's making fun of you then he's probably interested in you.

    As far as seeming smarter, study so you can  answer questions correctly when the teacher calls on you I guess.

    Besides that you could work towards doing really good on quizes and other assignments then brag about it in his face..

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