
How to i get my little kitten to use the litter box please help.

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i already have a 4 month old.

but now i recently have found a all white kitten.

hes a male. looks about 3-4 weeks old. found him in my backyard with no mother in sight and i didnt find any other kittens.

anyway first day i brought him in, he didnt eat or drink anything.

the next day i bought gerber baby food and KMR with a bottle and so far hes eating that. but my big concern is, everytime i try to put him in the litter box he tries to eat the litter and he goes peepee on my bed. hes done that twice so far. i bought the weewee pad today & he hasnt used it so far. so im not so sure what to do.

please help




  1. this sounds crazy and your probably going to laugh

    but hold him and walk him around the leg of a table a couple of times

    then walk him over to his litter box

    my vet told me that when i first got my kittens

    and its worked both times

    and get him some real cat food !

  2. Sprinkle catnip in the litter.  

  3. He's too young to use the litter box.  When kittens (or puppies) are that young, the mother cat (dog) cleans up after them.  Wait until he's a few weeks older to expect success.  Good luck

  4. I've had kittens that young, and I simply put them in the litter box, and held their little paws and starting them digging into the litter, then turned them around and put their little bottom where we just dug.  Its always worked.  You may want to massage their tummy also.  Another thing, take some tissue if he pees somewhere else, wipe as much as you can onto the tissue and put that in the litter box and then show him and lethim smell the tissue and put him through the motions again.  I'm sure he'll catch on.  If he is a dificult case, try getting Dr. Elsey's kitten litter,(petsmart sells it)  it has some scented herbs to also attract them.  I would also suggest keeping him in a small enclosed area with the litter box nearby, don't give such a tiny kitten too much room to run around in, keep him in one room in the house/apt.  Whatever you do, don't scold the kitten, you don't want him to be afraid to pee.   When he does finally pee in the litter box praise him and give the little guy kisses to reinforce the behavior and let him know he got it right!  Good luck with the baby.

  5. The way to train any kitten is just keep a careful watch over them.  Everytime they start to go potty pick them up immediately and put them on the potty pad or in the litter box.  They will eventually get the idea.  It may take many trips to do the trick but will work!  I suggest you get a book on raising a kitten or asking your local vet for advice on a time table for when to move on to bigger kitty food and other questions you might have.  I have had many and still end up going to my book for something that comes up I wasn't expecting to happen!  Good Luck!!!

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