
How to i get my son to leave things alone?

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my son is 25 months he wont live the dvd player alone and other things. I spack his hand when he bother the dvd player and he crys i know it hurts him i don't know if thats a good way to get him to leave things alone i don't want to hurt him and he does it again. i hope this is not a dumb question. my son is in the office with me so, i have to time fast.




  1. With our 3 children, it was just constant redirection and praising them when they DID do something positive- no hand smacking or anything like that. Alot of times, children will do it for attention, so always praise the positive behaviors.

  2. You have to keep telling him no no try to put it where he can't reach it. Put say no no seriously but spanking his hand will not work because that hurts for a second maybe everytime he touches it say no no and make him sit down for a minute tops .

  3. first off..dont smack his hands unless it is something is just going to teach him to hit back and also hit others. the best thing to do is everytime you tell him no and he doesnt listem...put him in time out in a chair facing a wall or coner away from anything fun (tv, toys,ect)..tell him why you are making him sit and have him sit there for at least 3-5 minutes. if he gets up before hand..dont say anything just pick him up and sit him right back down..dont give him any attention while he is in time out...once it is time for him to get up remind him why he was in time out and explain why it is a "no no" in a way he can understand.  its best to have a "time out chair"..just one place that he knows is for punishment.  i may take ahile back he will get the idea.

  4. I find best to do one of two things: 1. take away the mystery, explain how it works and the rules for when and why it is used along with who is allowed to use it; 2. offer an alternative activity or toy.

    I allowed my toddler to operate the DVD only when he was going to watch one of his DVDs, it's amazing how well he understands its operation and otherwise does not mess with it.  It also helped him learn some shapes, triangle, square.

  5. keep things where he cant reach them:)

  6. it's not a dumb'll just have to move it out of his reach. We had to do the same...we went as far as buying a different entertainment stand that is higher, and the components are behind frosted glass. At first it intrigued my daughter, but after a while she left it alone. Same thing with the microwave...we had to move it higher. If you move things out of their reach or change things around everyone will be happier. 2 year olds have an attention span of a goldfish. They are not going to remember not to touch.  

  7. move it to where he can't reach it our buy a DVD protector . . .they sell them at Babies-R-Us.  I can't find a link online but I did see them in the store.  They are near where the saftey gates are

  8. I would not put things so he cannot reach them because that is not teaching him continue to discipline him if he touches things he is not supposed to make him sit down give him a time out and let him know why say it over and over do not touch that you can hurt yourself!

  9. First of all, once they reach two years of age, you can stop aging them with months. He's two.

    You're doing the right thing by popping him on the hand when messes with something he isn't supposed to, but if he doesn't get the message after about 4 hand slaps, start spanking his bare rump instead.  

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