
How to i make my site popular ?

by  |  earlier

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I have made a website. I need to bring more visits to it. Also I have added few content to. Please give me some suggestion so that i can improve it more.

this is my site





    and then keep telling people

    just spreard the word

    make flyers about your site

    and put them around

  2. Advertise your site in your signature in forums and such.

  3. To get more viewers you have to advertise your site around, make sure people know it, and then when some people know it and like it, they can tell thier friends. To improve and keep the visits coming, constantly update and add content that will please people. Have fun stuff for people to do and unique stuff. When making the site never steal anything and always be creative with your own designs. Hope this kind of helps and good luck on your site!

  4. Your already doing it! Spreading the word around on sites like this!

    I saw the site - looks like a fun project! (I think you spelled something wrong under the "mobile" page. It says "mobile thems," - I think you meant "themes"?)

    Also, if you can incorporate more interactive things like a blog that people can respond to or some silly contests, etc. If people who view your site can have a way to impact it (upload pictures or stories for example) then the word may spread around.

    Just as you've done here with Yahoo, attach links to you site on other community oriented sites - Myspace, Facebook, YouTube, etc. etc.

  5. I guess this is a good idea, by putting it here in answers, we are all visiting and who likes it will recommend it.

    Other is;

    Give something for free, (wallpapers, ring tones, downloads)

    Post it as part of ID on Facebook

    Attach it to every answer here.

  6. put it on google



    advertise in as many ways possible

    good luck

    (ur site is cool)


  7. your site is shown up earlier on search engines like google by having the title being the same as what people are searching.

    for search engines like yahoo they also rely on how many links are linked to your site. this is where ads come in...

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