
How to ignore what other ppl say?

by  |  earlier

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hey, i'm 19 years old and a 2nd yr university student

ive been trying to dig to the root of alot of my problems and i realize that I'm affected alot by what other ppl think or say about me, aka I'm way too self conscious for my own good

can anyone give some good tips as to how i should ignore or learn to not care what other ppl say or think?




  1. When you figure it out I could benifit from knowing as well.

  2. No matter who you are, everyone wants to be accepted. Wanted. LOVED!

    Sometimes though, we try to make everyone be our best friend. However, we can't make that happen. All we can do is try to be the best friend, and let those who come to you, come.

    If they say or do stupid things to you, know that they just need praying for, and know that we live in a messed up society. Let your pain for them exist, but don't let what they say make you think less of yourself.

    Since when has society been a reliable source for truth about happiness?

  3. " How to ignore what other ppl say?" . . .

  4. You just have to realize that there are always going to be someone out there that doesn't like you, will talk about you, etc... That is a part of life. There are people who are spiteful, and people who are judgmental, uncaring, just plain stupid...whatever the case is. They don't effect who you are. Remember that somewhere out there is someone saying things about them as well. Just be're the only you in the whole world.

    You weren't put here to please anyone. It may bother you, but that's just how it is with everyone. Everyone goes through that kind of thing. No worries. If they don't like you or something about you....too bad.

    Have a great day

  5. Please understand that you are best at something that you do.

    It doesn't matter what.

    If you can do that better than anyone else around you, that is your proof.

    What do you do well?

    It can be anything because each person has a special talent.

    Mine is crossword puzzles and answering questions, so it doesn't have to be a feat, just some skill that you have.

    Then consider your self proud of that, and know that you are better then them at that.

    Just feel good about yourself and know why.

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