
How to imporve my 200 meter dash time by at least a second?

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Unfortinitaly, I only have two weeks. I need to improve by a second. I will do alost anything but roids




  1. make sure that you run on your toes, use spikes, use blocks, stretch, work on your intervals, and continuously run faster throughout the race... and when you get tired push harder!

  2. You can drop a second by improving your technique. Make sure that your arms are kept at about a 90 degree angle.  Dont let them cross, let them swing back and forth. You push back and let them go forward on their own.

    For sprints, keep you stride shorter... and also make sure you stay on your toes.  Also, make at the end, tilt your upper body forward. As you cross the finish line, lean forward so that you pass finish line quicker.  Getting spikes might help.

    It is alot about technique. Eventually, if you want to keep improving, you work on  strength.. but in the beginning, focus on technique.. I tried to find a website for you, but i couldnt.. sorry. i hopw i helped you out here.. if you dnot understand anything, your welocme to email me..

    Oh, and another thing, work on your coming off of blocks.. and if you dont already do that, that alone will take off a second.. get your coach to tell you exactly how to come off the blocks.

  3. The 200 is one of the hardest races to run.

    When you run, try to hug the inside lane line - especially on the curve. You will run less distance that way.

    Also, when you run the curve, allow your right arm to come across yoru body ever so slightly. It will not only help "steer" you but it will propel you better as well - pumping your arms straight up and down when you're not running a straight line wastes energy.

    Remember the basics - don't clench your fists (or your jaws) when you run. It only tightens up your chest and makes your respiration less efficient. Try to run on the balls of your feet - stay light. Don't run straight up and down. Lean forward just a tad and pay attention to your centre of gravity.

    I hope that helps and good luck!

  4. Get Spikes

  5. Nothing happens in two weeks, except changing your form. Make sure you're standing as tall as possible, get your knees up, cycle your legs, get your heel all the way up to as close to kicking your butt as possible when you swing forward, and make sure you keep your toes up (or ankles rather, but if you keep your toes up then your ankles will always be up as well).

    I've run the 200 quite a bit in the last 4 years, and improving form is the easiest way to decrease times. If you have your form down though, there's not much you can do but practice block starts.

  6. Run uphill.

  7. try running faster. That might help

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