
How to imporve on my cardio?

by  |  earlier

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After like one round of wrestling or boxing, I'm falling apart. Boxing is the worst one, because I can't even throw a solid punch. I've always been in good shape, I used to be in swimming when I was a teen. Now I've been in MMA 8 hours a week for the last 8 month, and I feel like my cardio did little progress. I'm a pretty skinny guy so I should be able to move around a little easier. Is it me, or everyone else has it? If I workout till I'm glasses 4 times a week, what should I change? Should I have long slow runs or something? Because what I do now is equal to sprinting.




  1. Nothing will improve your cardio more than fighting. It's the most intense thing you can probably do. If you need to do two 1-minute rounds, then train in two 2-minute rounds. You can run some if you want and that will probably help a lot, but I recommend fighting more.

  2. Try this web site;

    The site is very commercialized but it does have lots of information for sale. You might find something to help you.

  3. some athletes have great cardio but when they get into a fight situation they stop breathing while throwing punches etc.

    no matter how good your cardio is you will still get tired after a few minutes if you hold your breath for 3 seconds here, 5 seconds there.. etc

    if this is not your problem, then you can do a few different things for cardio

    i'll just list some basic ones though

    jogging/sprinting alternately from telephone pole to telephone pole

    swimming/treading water/running through water

    riding a bike

    skipping rope

    long sparring/heavy bag rounds

    rock climbing

    running up long sets of stairs

    avoid using tread mills, you get less of a workout because your just going through the motions,  not actually propelling yourself forward.

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