
How to impress a girl that not likes you ?

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I m Working in a mnc. I like a girl very much. She is very smart and fast. But she always change the topic when i asked her for a better friendship.I think i m in love with her.. What should i do.. I m Very Traditional & emotional..




  1. ignore her then she will come to u.

  2. Well I am a girl, and I'll just answer by how a guy would catch my heart. Just be nice always, and try to show her you aren't immature, but don't be annoying. Try to pay attention, and if she seems to not want to talk to you at the moment or something, then go away, let her have her space or you may make her mad. If she is feeling bad one day, that's your chance, tell her everything will be okay, and if she needs to talk or needs anything you are there for her, but don't force her to talk or anything, (give her a hug if you're close enough) the offer will mean a lot, trust me. Be understanding with her, and patient, and hopefully she will see just how great you are, and if she doesn't, then its her loss, and you should just move on, even though you don't want to hear that. But just remember it may take a really long time depending on how well your relationship is right now. Also, try to be funny, or act kinda silly, but NOT immature, that will just p**s her off. Seriously, good luck!! Hope something works for ya! =]

    The Pickup Artists answer is interesting to me, because I am a girl, and I love emotional c**p. I hate when guys have to act all manly or whatever, its nice to have a guy that will be sweet and always listen to you. And no, not every girl is always getting hit on, if thats what you think, you're kinda wrong. But it is true that girls want a guy who will protect them, and that could just be that they want to, that they will be there for them. Now not every girl is the same so maybe thats just me.

  3. dont try to get her attention always,don't irritate her by being around her by asking for friendship  ,she thinks ur desperate for her ,and hence she is not interested in you

    wear good  fashionable clothes and comb ur hair and try to be smarter

    smarter in the sense the way u talk and the way u behave

    PS : i believe she has some attitude problem

  4. Dont borther her infront of her..... Behave gentle and jovial with other infront of her. Let others should say proudly about you to her.

  5. arre yaar when she dosen't love u y to be back of her just kidding

    make her jealous by being back of other girl

  6. best way is stop asking for better friendship..

    more u ask her , she will know tth u need her, dnt show to her tht u r needy, act like it doesnt matter to u what she thinks about u,

    best way to impress a girl who doesnt like u is by"not trying to impress her at all"....... let her be ,the more u try to become close with her ,she will run more and become tht  much far, so dnt bother abt her,,

    show her tht u can be without her  and doesnt matter what she thinks abt u.

  7. "I'm Very Traditional & emotional.."

    Here's your problem right here. Let me give you a little day in the life of a woman.

    You wake up go to work, get hit on. You go to lunch, get hit on. You go out with friends to the bar and get hit on by this big creepy guy who is being very forceful and scaring you.

    Women live in a world of constant fear. Women like it when a man is around to protect them and make them feel safe. In short, women want men who act like men. Not some wimpy emotional chump.

    Don't ask her for more, you have to demonstrate that you are the MAN. when you start to see signs that she's attracted to you, then you can begin to ask her out for coffee or whatever.

  8. loosen up a bit, flirt with her and see how she reacts.... if she doesn't back way then get a bit closer and carry on until she starts to retreat a bit...

    (hopefully by this time you would of become close enough friends to talk about moving the friendship on....)

    good luck!

  9. http://educationandsocietyblogforall.blo...

  10. this is always hard to do cuz, when ppl don't like you like that then you have to go out of your way to show them your a good guy.  one day ask her to go out and do something for one day. but don't ask too soon. talk and be friendly woth her. also make laughing awkward moments with her and stare into her eyes during that silent moment, this will let her know that your up to sumthing and this is good cuz she will then want to see what you have up your sleeve.

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