
How to impress a guy at a pool party? all answers appreciated!?

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First of all, my youth pastor will be there, I'm a Christian girl and I don't want to get him to notice me by being a s**t. It's a guy I'm sorta friends with, and I like him, and I want to get him to notice me and think about me. What are some things I could do?




  1. Hey I'm Christian too!!! Nice to know sum1 who shares the Faith!!! Ummm why not just go up and talk to him, 4 sure hel notice you.

  2. omg. as a teenage gurll i deal with this A LOTT!

    okayy, try not to get the pastor to look at you a lot. you should act very comfortable with him ((the boy)) and be able to talk to him and actually ADD to the conversation,,.there's nuthing worse than a gurl who just says "yah, mhm, sure, yupp, no" like you're well-educated, but not geeky/dorky!!! and be very flirty, like playfull, but DEFINENTLY not S****y. and then when you both leave be like "hope i see you again"

  3. Hiya. You don't have to be a sl*ut to get a guy to notice you by any means. Most guys just think girls like that are good for one thing. Why not just look really pretty and classy?

    Wear a really nice classy bikini or swimsuit that flatters your shape. Often black is a nice colour as it is very flattering and also s**y without being whorey.

    Most of all, just have an awesome personality and remember confidence is the key. <-- Thats the most important part

    Ohh, and if you want little extra tips, if you want you could try fake tan and put a bit of waterproof mascara on. Wear a cute necklace too. :)  ohh and maybe some funky nailvarnish. Like black. Or black and pink. something cool and quirky to offset your image.

  4. go up to him and just strike up a conversation and most importantly just be yourself because eventualy the real you will show best of luck!

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