
How to impress people looking for roommates, while I don't have a job or a car.

by Guest55952  |  earlier

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Well I checked craig's list for some rooms for rent, I found some that are convenient and I'm fine with. The problem is I'm a 19 year old who don't have a job right now and cant drive....not sure if this will look well for the person looking for a roommate, I'm willing to look for a job and hopefully get a drivers license, I just need tips with looking good and responsible for the people looking for a roommate even though I don't have a job and cannot drive.

(and if you're going to answer with "you cannot find a place to rent if you cant even pay for the first month" my parents got me covered, only for the first month though)




  1. OK let me lay this out for you.... It's going to be hard to impress people when you are 19 with no job and don't even know how to drive. MOST people I know did both of those before they turned 17! What have you been doing the past couple of years? Do you have any other redeeming qualities? Can you offer services like, cleaning or cooking?

    Its hard enough to find people to rent a place out let alone someone who is willing to take a gamble.  The way laws work if you don't work out it could take someone months to evict you... plus its expensive. Reasons like that are why people insist on things like deposits and first and last months rent.    

  2. No one is going to rent to a stranger in this economy who can only guarantee the first month's rent.  Many also require a security deposit, and/or first AND last month's rent.

    Your best bet is to obtain a secure job, and THEN seek a room to rent.  There is no guarantee that you will obtain a job that will support paying monthly rent and other expenses of living on your own.

    Good luck!

  3. Get a job  

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