
How to impress the customer on the first appointment?

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Hi, i am a newbie salesman. I am going for my first appointment soon to meet a client and wonder how can i impress the client on the first appointment and what can i say to make my speech sounds professional.




  1. dressed professionally

  2. listen, listen, listen, ask a few questions and listen.  if you sell something to them that they dont need you will end the sales, if you are honest you will get referals.

  3. Speak at an even pace, and clearly. Or, you could bring hookers and blow. Who doesn't love hookers??? Nothing says "professional", like s*x for money!

  4. Firstly, you gotta dress to impress. You need to dress like a professional and not a salesman. Give them a very good impression even without start talking first. Nobody would want to meet a sloppy person, and buy something from them.

    Secondly, you have to know you products well. Have good knowledge on what you are going to sell, so that if they have any questions or quries, you are able to handle them.

    Speak slow and clearly, give eye contact. Don't rush thru you presentation and don't give them the impression you are desperately to close the sales, and just want them to buy. Know how to sell yourself, as well as sell the products. Convince them on why they have to buy from you.

    Speak proper english. Not with singlish or broken english. Smile and be confidence.

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