
How to improve consistent Swing in Golf?

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How to improve consistent swing in golf to aim to a target always?




  1. Golf Swing Mechanics

    Golf swing mechanics is probably the easier of the two areas to understand. It is the reason we take golf lessons and practice at the range.

    Beginning at address, moving through all the stages of the golf swing, and finishing with the follow through, the body is required to move through a specific sequence of movements to perform the golf swing correctly. If the body does not move through this sequence properly then the result will be a poor, inefficient and awkward looking swing. Over time, a poor swing results in poor consistency (every once in awhile you hit a good shot regardless of your swing, that's what keeps us coming back for more). An easy example of this is when you "come over the top" with the club, which usually usually results in a slice.

    In addition to the body performing an intricate number of biomechanical movements in the golf swing, timing of these movements is critical for you to hit the ball successfully. Each and every biomechanical movement within the golf swing has a certain sequence and timing. If they are not performed in the correct order or timing, then the golf swing will not be efficient. Poor timing results in those wonderful slices, snap hooks, chili dips and topping the ball that we know all too well.

    Now, how do we improve on the mechanics of the golf swing? I would have to say it is through two things:

    1) Proper instruction. Find a good teacher and stick with that teacher. Most of the pros do, why not you?

    2) Practice, practice, practice. As they say, "practice makes perfect," and I believe this is true when it comes to the golf swing.

  2. I agree with everything that Capt Anil said.  However, I do want to add a few things.  First, the instructor.  He or she is very important in your developing a consistant, repeatable golf swing.  Sit down and interview prospective teachers.  Ask a lot of questions and feel comfortable with the person.

    Second, relating to practice.  I agree, you need to practice, practice and practice some more.  But it cannot be about just hitting golf balls.  You need to have a quality practice, meaning that you have a specific goal to work toward each time you do hit balls.  In other words a routine.  Once you get into that routine, stick to it and I guaranty that you will hit better golf shots, achieve lower scores and have more fun.

  3. Here is a great video that explains the swing in relationship to your body.

  4. Practice makes perfect. Go to the driving range and hit many balls. Before this learn about all the mechanics of a perfect golf swing, either from a teaching pro Or a video tape on golf swing by a teaching pro.

  5. lessons and practice.

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