
How to improve my flexibility quickly?

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I'm thinking of starting tang doo do but I'm not flexible which will make high kicks and stuff harder i cant even touch my toes any tips to help improve my flexibility quickly ?




  1. splits. lateral and horizontal.

  2. stretch everyday in the morning and at night. you'll be sore the first few days but trust me, it'll be worth it. you can not speed up this process. some people are born flexible and others just aren't. everyday you should get a little more flexible. herews some simple stretches that i've been doing for years (they will help you flexiblility a lot)

    ***hold each stretch for at least 10 seconds.

    - sit in stratle and reach for your left foot, right foot then in the middle.

    - sit in pike (legs together in front of you) and bend forward as far as you can.

    make sure your also roll out your rists, neck and arms.

    well i hope i helped! and good luck =D

  3. stretch stretch stretch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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