
How to improve my...?

by Guest31795  |  earlier

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fwettess or aleciconess.

sorry about the spelling.




  1. i was trying to figure out what you meant for a

    okay so im just learning to do fuetes in the beginning the teachers just had us hold on to the barre (in ballet) and do the motions without turning for like a month then we started to turn it but at home i would make combonations and stuff and do it over and over again so now i can do them pretty well! i just need to get my leg up higher...

    then the other day at a dance camp the teacher said ok 10 alesiconess (totally not how you spell that but i understand) and i was like...okay becuase ive never even tried those before but i swung my leg around and wala! i did 13 then 5 fuetes and im not a GREAT know what i mean? and no im not like 20 im not a beginner so just practice thats my story and i am definitley still learning...i will perfect my fuetes eventually tho!!!

    hope this go practice!!! :D

  2. learn how to do russians(torres) first. excuse my spelling lol

  3. Go theough the motions on the barre.

    For example, with a forte' (excuse my spelling) stand with 1 hand on the barre, passe', develope', and allow the leg to turn you full circle.  

  4. take a turns class and that should help a lot!


  5. practice practice practice.
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