
How to improve my way of thinking?

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how i will think quickly




  1. Study Skills & Essay Writing.

  2. meditate

  3. Hypnosis may help-see a professional practitioner.

  4. can think of four things:

    1) Read books. They will help you form a frame of reference for what people are talking about. Turn off the TV - it is too passive. Work that BRAIN! A good place to start is the book of Proverbs in the Bible. You might be amazed at the cool stuff in there. Read a couple of those proverbs a day.

    2) Spend a few minutes with friendly people each day, in an atmosphere that encourages creativity and sharing. Being a "wise-acre" or smart-aleck will only get you so far. It needs to be in a positive setting. Be a good listener, and think about ways that you can encourage the positive things in a person's life. The Bible says that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." So, if you find yourself equating "clever" with "negative," time for a heart check.

    3) Live in the moment. You mentioned being alert in the workplace. What could cause you NOT be be alert? Living in the past? Worrying about the future? Relax, and take time to observe what's really going on around you.

    4) Ask God for help - if He wants you to have this skill, then He will give it to you. It is a gift, and you must be ready to accept it. Don't know if you are a Christian or not - but I believe that God is the source of all good things.

    Finally - don't equate a quick one-liner with "fast thinking." The key is discipline - knowing when to say something, and when to keep silent.

    God bless you in your journey.

  5. first you find whats the problem with your way of thinking as compared to others. and try to discuss with them what made them think in that direction also check why u didnt feel that idea, if that is because of ignorance / lack of knowledge go and get those information if you are lacking some logical and analytical skill try to get it by practising some problems on it.

    there is solution for everything.


    try this

  7. Thinking is a process and unless you feed your data to brain by reading books and other relevent and desired knowledge you wont be able to think fast dear.

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