
How to improve our traditional agriculture to overcome food pollution?

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How to improve our traditional agriculture to overcome food pollution?




  1. give ur additional particulars for ans. ur qun.


  3. Stop using so many chemicals on the land and just use organics fertilizers and pest control.

  4. Take a look at

    Then click on the links on the left.

  5. What kind of food pollution are you talking about. If you are talking about too many chemicals and antibiotics, then changing to organic farming would do it, but that is not improving traditional agriculture. Your question is not very clear.

  6. WE HAVE  TO return to feeding the cattle grass then the  manure will not cause disease  PLANT TREES  which will help strenghten the soil.. the cattle  can be house in areas where the trees are planted  MANURE wiil be had

    cow MANURE helps to keep pest away

  7. Agriculture is not the cause of  food pollution. The processors of the food are the pollutors

  8. It turns out we shall continue doing what always worked.

    1. Control erosion.  Soil loss to surface waters is still the primary pollution problem  This has been,  is now, and always will be, a major source of pollution.

    2. Match nutrient inputs to crop uptake.  This has been preached for ages, and the song still plays.  When we apply what is needed, and no more, then the leaching issues (mainly nitrate) will solve itself.

    3. Graze just enough for the animal and leave enough for the plant.  Overgrazing has been shown to be the primary method of range land, grassland and pasture land degradation.  The leaves are both the plants manufacturing center (makes photosynthates) and the preference for for most livestock (as well as many wildlife species) diet.

    4. Increase plant resistance to disease and insects.  Plant breeding works, has for years and continues to work.  Diseases, however, adapt quickly and what lines were disease resistant last year, will become disease susceptible in the future.

    5. Identify weed, insect and disease weakness and manage against them.  This is the foundation of integrated pest management.\

    6. Identify new crops and new markets.  Use of crop rotation is underutilized in the USA.  Part of this problem is the lack of economically viable crops that will allow rotation of crops to help fight disease.

    7. Stay flexible.  The only thing written in stone should be a farmer's epitaph.

  9. Food pollution from using man made chemicals?  Ha!  That's a joke!  Remember the E-coli contaminated spinich?  That was from cattle manure applied to the field.  The carrots? And the cauliflower before it?  Same thing, E-coli from livestock manure, the very same thing used by organic producers to fertilize their crops.

    I challenge anyone to name the last time there was a huge recall of human food products because of contamination by agricultural herbicides or insecticides.  Not when someone with TB or hepatitis coughed on a plate of food in a resturant, a Ewell Gibbons wanna-be got choked on a wild hickory nut or some cancer victim swears it was commercial ag products that sickened them only but no one else, but when it was actually documented that commercial fertilizer, herbicide or insecticide caused to become sick.  It was actually documented that cattle manure from the nearby dairy caused the E-coli spinich problem.

  10. Many people here have good points.  I would like to add that we should stop monocropping, or growing just one type of crop.  Growing crops that compliment each other will keep the soil healthy and full of nutrients, will help protect against pests, and there will be a decreased need for large amounts of water and fertilizers.

  11. no idea sorry =(

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