
How to improve reading scientific English texts?

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is any method or book for this improvement.what ia your own experience?(if any)




  1. 1. Scan the chapter, look at pictures and read captions to get general idea of what the chapter is about.

    2. Use one note card  per section ( usually a new section begins with bold letter title) write down unfamiliar words and their meanings.  Sometimes the meaning is embedded in the text, sometimes there is a glossary at the end of the book, sometimes you will have to look up the word or ask someone to explain the meaning of the word as it is used in that section.  I put the summary of the section and page number on one side of the card and the vocabulary words on the back.  Along with the summary I write any questions I have about the text.  If I cannot figure out a vocabulary word meaning, I write down the word and ask in class.

    3.  If it is a tough section or really new information, I may also read the section aloud and tape record it. I include possible questions, a pause and then the answer.  Or, I include some of the vocabulary words and definitions. Then I can listen to the text as I am doing dishes, laundry , etc.  When I was in college I listened to one text or another almost every night as I went to sleep. ( The tape player turns off aoutomaticlly when it gets to the end of the side)

    4.  Next, look for opportunties to discuss the material in class or with other members of your class.  It is not enough to read a text , you are trying to understand it.

    5.  Finally, if practical, look for opportunities to practice or observe what is in the text.  If you are learning about genetics, check out the litters of new kittens or dogs. Compare the babies with their parents , figure out dominant and recessive traits etc.

    6.  Sometimes it helps to read another author on the same subject.  Magazine articles don't take much time to read.

    There is some research that suggests that it takes 70 exposures to a new topic to integrate it into your brain.  So if you are having problems, have you practiced 70 times ?

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