
How to improve timing and way of jumpingand approaching in spiking the volleyball?

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i have a problem with timing when spiking. The way i approach the ball and jump is also very weird. one of my legs would stick out when i jump. i do not know why. any good tips i can use? BEST ANSWERS WILL BE REWARDED FOR YOUR GOOD TIPS.




  1. ah I see sometimes because of pressure you loose your timing (General)

    Its all about timing whatever you do in volleyball or things that happen in our life....

    Anyway I used to had the same problem.....and one of my coach said to wait the ball to go to the higher position, and then when it go down, do your steps and hit it.......

    its not only that, you need to be prepared by doing small steps before the 3 steps for spike.

    for lot of practice you will understand how timing works....

    just do some exercises for your shoulders and your hand must be straight down lets say

    dont worry you will find it and it will come up with practice

  2. a lot of aspects go into it, i cant just name one if you want to know how to jump higher click here http://balaholic2.kellyb.hop.clickbank.n... all the knowledge and exercises you need to know to jump higher. and also loading and unloading phase of how to time your jump explained

  3. you need to wait after the setter sets the ball as soon as it leaves her hands make your approch and make sure you are on the 10 foot line. I am a setter and that is the common probolem for hitters.

  4. depends on which posistion you play. i play for my university as a utility so it just kind of depends. if youre an outside hitter on a 5 you want to wait till the ball reaches its highest point and then leave for your approach, if you seem to e getting there too early adjust your approach to a 4-step approach, if youre having problems with timing when contacting the ball try to imagine that your middle finger needs to slice the ball in half. ok moving on. if you need help from the middle, if it is a quick set, you should wait till the ball goes into your peripheral vision and then leave. you should be in the air as your setter is setting the ball, so youre hitting the ball on the way up not on the way down. when hitting as a right side is timing is between a 5 and a quick you still want to leave when the ball gets to the highest point but this approach is going to be a little quicker than an outside approach.

  5. well theres a lot of volleyball magazines that have great stuff like one told me if u do like 100 approaches every day (its really not that much once u do it) and dont use the ball and work to make ur foot not stick out remember first step is small next one is big and u want to square urself to the setter then last step is just next to ur other one then hit the ball and turn ur hips so u are square with the net hard to explain

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