
How to increace lung capacity?

by  |  earlier

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I want to be able to hold my breath longer, and be able to swim more without running out of breath so fast. It there any good way to do that? I've tried holding my breath, but I start getting dizzy after about 20 seconds. Just looking for some tips :)




  1. get a snorkle  :)

  2. Practice If you push yourself a little further each time it should be better. I have the same problem. Asthma may also be contributing see a doctor.

  3. can you swim properly???

    if not maybe this can help you........

    to swim properly, swim with your body relaxed....... but with force..........

    don't just try holding your breath in water...

    try jogging.......... push ups......

    or simply exercise.....

    that can increase your stamina.........

    now you can hold your breath longer......

    when you exercise it takes weeks to increace your lung capacity.......

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