
How to increase font size in windows?

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How to increase font size in windows?




  1. Go to view, then to text size and click increase. That will do the thing.

  2. this was asked a few weeks ago and nobody came up with the answer

  3. Follow these steps---------

    1-Go to Start menu placed in the Task Bar.

    2-Select the control panel option.

    3.Click the option appearence and themes(if your control panel is in category view, if it is in classic view click the icon Display).

    4-Then a dialogue box will come, in that click the option display properties.

  4. Control Panel > Display > Appearance > Advanced > In there you can change the colours, fonts and point size, Icons, scroll bars, title bars and menus sizes.

    Tip > Make a note of what the defaults are in case you muck it up because there is not a default reset.

  5. right click desktop, properties, appearance tab, font size

  6. dektop->rightclick->propeties->appearenc...

    this wil help you

  7. DEsktop-right click-setting (on the top)-advance (right side down)-font sige-select the drop down button an chose the desired one-apply-ok

    Thats it, done..............

  8. go to control panel and click fonts to change them

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