
How to increase my vertical leap?

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How to increase my vertical leap?




  1. Wear a packpack with weights in it while jumping up as hard as you can.

  2. First off you have to work on your coure(abs) believe it or not you get your momentum from your abs when you jump. then you have to work on your legs, but do not over do it, you do not want to cramp up.  then just go out there and jump! practice makes perfect. a good technique i can tell you about is. First ben at the kness and swing your arms back and push up with youre legs and then carry that momentum from your legs to your abs swinging your arms up at the same time and you should have your maxed out jump!

  3. At practice, they have us do pylos. Basically a lot of fast jump roping, and a ton of leg drills. Go to the link below, it might be helpful.

  4. What I am doing right now is wearing 5 pound ankle weights on each foot. Just wear them around the house, do jumping jacks with them on, or just jump up and down. When you take them off it is MUCH lighter so your jump is higher. Also like someone has already said work your abs, they are also a key point of jumping high. Hope this helps!!

  5. A good way to increase ur vertical leap is a workout called plyometrics, or air alert. plyometrics can be printed off the internet, air alert is more hardcore training and can only be done for 4 months, air alert has to be purchased, mail me if you need the plyometrics

  6. learn how to skateboard, its all in the calfs

  7. lift weights or trampoline

  8. when you jump, you have to swing your arms back so you have more force to jump higher

  9. we did a program called air alert maybe if u lok it up u can find the program but it gave me at least 4 in extra hops.our whole vball team is under 6 ft. so we had to  do the program.

  10. some good excersises are calf raises and wall sits to strengthen your legs. yah. just strengthen your legs a lot and it should help. and if you dont already, then swing your arms back, and as you jump, throw your arms up. it gives you lots of momentum and gets you higher.

  11. I would recommend working on your calves, thighs, and core.  Because if you swing your arms, you WILL and i promise, go higher.  Also try jumping for things you know you cant reach, it will make you try harder for everything else :D

  12. A trampoline

  13. set your goals high and try your best! good luck!

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