
How to increase my vertical?

by  |  earlier

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i play volleyball and have limited to increase it....




  1. JUMP ROPE! do it daily!

    or simply put a piece of tape high on the wall, and jump and touch it! do 12 reps like 4 or 5 times a day. its easy to do. when ever you walk past that peice of tape, do some reps! move the tape up higher as you train your cafves to jump higher.

    also, lift weighs! do anything for your thighs and cafves!

  2. Jump rope! Jump rope! Jump rope! u increase your vertical by jumping strengthen your calves (squats? running?) and do lots of jumping. i also do approach jumps and block jumps in every doorway. jumping is the only way you can increase it. jumprope helps alot

  3. Well to keep it simple, jump up and down every day. but if you really want to increase your vertical jump, tie on something light, but not too light on your feet. as you progress, tie on heavy items. i guarntee that it will work. i am 6 feet and can jump to slam dunk on a 10 foot rim. and for volleyball i can spike the ball on a guys net which is about 10 feet.

  4. Well firstly make sure that you're willing to practice whenever you can =]

    Exercise during normal activities. You don't have to make a big deal of it. Walk on tip toes sometimes, it helps increase vert.

    And of course, exercises to improve jumping!

    Mini hops!! jump a little off the ground, over and over without hopping. Jump rope is great for this..

    Squats, calf raises, stand in 1 spot on tip toes for 2 minutes, start stretching. Load your body with some weight before jumping, like jumping with a medicine ball. Ankle hops will also help..

    Jump jump jump, and good luck! =]

  5. You may not have known, but some people develop vertical jump systems designed to increase your vertical.  The most used one is Air Alert: BUT ABSOLUTELY DO NOT USE IT!!!  It blows your knees out, I've heard numerous testimonials.  In fact, almost every testimonial complains that it hurts your knees.

    I use a vertical jump program called The Vertical Project, that is my little secret to how I jump high (everyone asks why, and I just say that I don't know).  It is very quick and efficient, and even guarantees a 6" increase in 2 months or you get all your money back, plus an extra $100, that is all yours.  I own it and have used it somewhat, and have got my jump up 4", without actually doing the program.  I'm starting next week, after Junior Olympics, and from what I've done so far, it works great.  Everyone I've asked about this, and all the testimonials talk about 20" vert increases after multiple times the program is done, which takes a few months each time.  It's easily the best out there.

    However, it is $300, so if you can't afford that, get The Vertical Bible, which is the second best you can get.  It costs like $30, and i pretty effective.  it doesn't give you the massive increases like The Vertical Project, but it does help a lot.

  6. You should  jump rope lots along with other thing like squats, wall sits, calf raises, and if you aren't into the weight lifting thin another great alternative is playing beach volleyball.

  7. i went to a jump training it lasted about 5 weeks and we only practiced two times a week for and hour it increased my vertical 6 inches!!!! It was amazing and i still exsersize twice a week like before. What we do is

    jump boxes - at home i use cairs and stools (be careful it hurts when you fall XD

    stairs - obviously use stairs and run up them, skip steps, shuffle up them, be creative!

    Cones - line cones in a row and jump over each one after the other, then do it one footed, shuffel, again be creative.

    Then things like crunches, russian muffins, moutain men, lounges, burpies, chicken pulls and if you want more IM of message me also IM and message if you don't know what some of these excersizes are. When you do these you have to have major endurance you have to do it an hour straight with out stoping and if you arn'y tired push your self it works really good.

    again any questions IM or message

    hope I helped!!

  8. One word: plyometrics.

    The suggestions in previous answers will build strength, but plyometrics will do that plus maximize development of the fast-twitch muscle fibers you were born with.

    Learn more here:

    Good luck!

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