
How to increase our brain power ,is there any exercise to increase it?

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How to increase our brain power ,is there any exercise to increase it?




  1. sudoku


    and read some uri geller books

  2. Crossword puzzles and that game you can buy for Nintendo DS.

  3. Keep it active with puzzles and challenging things. Always be learning something new.

  4. BRAINGYM - google it. Works well.

  5. seeing different things so your mind is stimulated...reading different ideas, doing a variety of activities. feed your brain a varied diet and it will grow new synapses and connections.  

  6. Keeping reasonably fit (at least 1/2 hr of fast walking or harder intensity exercise a day) and eating healthy foods. Not drinking excessive amounts of alcohol or taking drugs.

    Keep in social contact with people and frequently interact with others.

    Do puzzles and play games that require you to use memory and thinking skills.

    Go out and do stimulating things rather than sitting watching tv like going on a hike, zoo or go to a museum or art gallery.

    The more you use your brain the stronger it will get (like any other exercise) and the healthier it will be. Challenging your brain frequently, will help prevent brain problems as you age such as alzheimers.

  7. reading is the most effective.

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