
How to increase punching power, to knockout capabilities. Mas Oyama said the ultimate goal in karate was to...

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If it was so easy to knock people out than why don't light weight fighters knock people out? They have the technique. It's not all technique obviously, I was asking which exercises could improve my speed strength and explosive strength, maybe shot putting or something. I realsie that I have to get to a martial arts gym to learn technique I just wnat to be stronger to hit hard. Also Masustatsu Oyama stressed that fancy foot work and flashy complicated moves where not the ultimate goal of martial arts and he worked on his ability to end fights with as few punches as possible. As a puch can be deliverred faster thasn a kick and if it is powerfull enough it can end the fight. Anyways thanks , I know speed is very important. How to get faster than ?




  1. If you wanted to get good at skateboarding, how would you do it?  Probably by actually skateborading.  Wanna shoot a basketball well?  Go shoot thousands of shots.  If you want to hit harder, get something (preferrably a heavy bag) and hit it as hard as you can, lots of times.  You should get some hand wraps so you dont break your wrists.

  2. Nothing to add to Bob Jr. he said it all

  3. He actually said"it is better to hit once to hard than ten times not hard enough"

    Speed and the ability to put body mass behind the punch

  4. its law of phyisics. Speed is 1.5x mass .5.   If ur apply more speed then it will go up by 1.5 but if u only focus on mass then u nearly have to do triple the work. Thats why most fighters emphasize on speed and precision. People that lift weight are strong but not in a fighting sense stronge. So they can hit but a fighter can take more pain than them. Their are some martial arts were u can use ur body to absorb the blow in just the right direction so the pain is mininmal and easily counter. Working out will help u lift weights, but fighting through real experience is what makes u smarter fighter.

  5. Bob jr is quite correct. power can be generated come from strength or speed, speed is much more preferred in fighting. Another thing is technique, if you have the correct technique, you can generate 3 to 5 times more power by using your whole body. Having knockout power does not means, you can knock people out. People do not stay in the same spot for you to hit. That is why you should go and learn martial art skills.  Once you have done martial art and have a better understanding of the human body and weak points. you will realize how easy it is to knock someone out. Example, hitting the chin. Every person should learn martial art to defend himself or herself and the love ones.

  6. Bob is the man. But i feel good old fashioned hard work on the heavy bag would help.

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