
How to increase the mileage of bikes / cars???

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Can u please tell me in detail,

how can i increase the fuel efficiency of my bike???

Thanks in Advance...




  1. Change your riding habits. Don't take off really hard and fast. Keep the RPMs low and steady. Don't rev at red lights or between shifts. Do the speed limit. Use premium gas. Get air filter cleaned. Keep tires properly inflated. reduce weight by getting rid of saddle bags or bulky unnecessary parts.

  2. 1.keep your tires properly inflated..

    2. have them properly rotated and balanced...

    3 take excess weight from your vehicle (trash, subs, etc), I forgot the figure but its like for each additional something odd pounds takes x mpg. Google it.

    4.leave the air conditioner off, (ac and other accesories use engine power with pulleys to power themselves)

    5 If you have a pick up truck - keep the tail gate up instead of down.

    6. Riding with windows down can decrease mileage due to drag,

    7.Make sure your car is well maintained to keep it at top efficiency

    8. Look into an aftermarket chip - most are known to increase mileage as well as power.

  3. Make sure your tires are properly inflated.

    Don't gun your throttle so much and go the speed limit.

    Basically, ride your bike like a Grandpa and nurse it too!

    You'll be surprised how much further a tank will get you..

  4. Here are five simple tips that you can use to improve your motorcycle's fuel economy.

    Maintain recommended air pressure in tyres:

    This is one of the simplest things, yet is overlooked by many, by maintaining manufacturer recommended air pressure in your tyres; you ensure that there is minimal rolling resistance and acceleration and braking is happening at the optimal level to help increase fuel efficiency. Remember tyre pressure should always be checked when the tyres are cold i.e. at the beginning of your commute/ride.

    Don't ride aggressively:

    One of the sure fire way to ensure you don't get good mileage is to ride aggressively. By accelerating and braking hard, you are not only increasing wear and tear of engine and brakes, you are also wasting precious petrol. So avoid the urge and try to accelerate and brake in a more linear manner.

    Maintain your motorcycle:

    Nothing kills fuel efficiency more than a poorly maintained motorcycle, not to mention that by skipping out on regular maintenance, your motorcycle is likely to develop serious problems which would cost you more in the long term.

    Don't ride with the brake engaged:

    Quite a few people have the tendency to keep their feet on the rear brake paddle while riding, and this slightly engages the rear brake. While you might not notice this, however even slightly engaged rear brake would increase the friction and would not only cause the brakes to wear out soon, but also lower your fuel efficiency. One way to combat this is by either increasing the brake travel (amount of distance it needs to be pressed before it engages) or getting paddle adjusted to ensure it is slightly below your feet.

    Shut off the engine at traffic signal:

    Another simple yet effective way to improve mileage is to shut off the engine when ever you have to stop at the traffic signal or anywhere else for more that 20-30 seconds. If you keep the engine running, then you are wasting petrol since it is still being consumed and you are not moving any further! With the electric starters now becoming a common sight, switching off your engine at the traffic signal makes even more sense now!

    Just by following these simple tips, you can improve your bike's mileage by up to 10-15%.

  5. Cars:

    - Do not let the car sit in idle for over 5 minutes

    - Do not turn off your engine if you will be re-starting your car within 5 minutes.

    - Driving at a steady 60 MPH on highways increases Miles per gallon

    - Refrain from stepping on brakes too often (this keeps the momentum of the car going)

    - Keeping A/C vent closed and re-circulating the air keeps the car cooled in a more efficient manner (If you can keep the A/C off all together, that would be great)

  6. The easiest things to do:

    1. Stay out of the upper RPM's, regardless of gear.  When you accelerate, it is ok to do so briskly but shift well before red line.  The more revolutions per minute, the more times the engine is sipping fuel per minute.  Even on a gutless 600cc like my FZ-6, I'd cruise along in 5th or 6th at 50mph.  It meant kicking it down a gear or three when I needed to accelerate decently but it also improved my mileage when I could safely do this. (see the next suggestion)

    2. Look way ahead.  The farther ahead you are riding, the easier it is to carry momentum.  The idea is part of the idea of "hyper-miling".  Coast whenever you can but stay in gear, use some engine braking instead of actual brakes.  This will help improve your gas mileage as well. As a motorcyclist you should be looking ahead anyway for defensive driving.  

  7. you can double you fuel millage by simply pushing your bike half the time , problem solved

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