
How to increase traffic easily???

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How to increase traffic easily???




  1. Are you on a tight budget and want more traffic for your business?

    This free video series will show you how to building any home business for

    $500 or less!  

    Gives some great idea's - also I have a blog on this as well.

  2. You can get traffic by trying a free traffic exchange service like TrafficSwarm at

    or WebCentreSurf at

    You can try article marketing at an article submission service like and link back to your website in the resource box for your articles.

    You can also comment on popular blogs like John Chow's or Joel Comm's that allow linkbacks to your URL. Do a Yahoo Search.

    Create a video and upload it to YouTube with your URL flashed on the screen. All of these are free.

  3. tell your family and friend

    make your website or blog a google friendly

    exchange links with other website and blogs as this will help you to get ranked better on the search engines .. and appears more there

    I wrote some more tips in my blog .. that you can do easily

    good luck

  4. You can set up a blog about your website and what your site is all about.Then regularly update your content and ping your blog at

    You should also look for other blogs with the same topic as you and negotiate with them to link your blog to theirs.This way,you get traffic from both sides.

  5. They are many ways to drive traffic to your website, you will need the traffic to accomplish your goal online of being profitable. I am assuming it's your primary purpose of having an online presence.

    The top ways to drive traffic to your online presence include Pay Per Click marketing, Search engine optimization, forum marketing and article marketing. Keep in mind its going to cost you time or money to drive traffic online. Sometimes both, depending on how you have your traffic strategy get up.

    For this reason you, you want to initially focus on methods of driving traffic that get the best bang for your buck. I can say that Pay Per Click and Article Marketing have worked for me, but I would recommend that you do your own test to see what works for you and to find out your personal preference.

    As per my knowledge 5 Steps to drive traffic:

    For drive traffic use below process:

    1. Submit in directories

    2. Submit Articles

    3. Blog Discussion

    4. Forum Postings

    5. Link exchanges

    If you need for more information how to drive traffic to your website just go through below website:

  6. Using social media site likes myspace and face book.You can get traffic from high traffic free classified too.I get more traffic from this website.

  7. Participate in Social Bookmarking sites Digg, Delicious etc. Be viral and unique in your content and bookmark it to drive in more traffic for your website. Also you can work on Forums, Blogs commenting. Promotions through Social Networking sites.

    Note: If the traffic really needs to convert go with SEO or PPC

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